请了特别多师傅但还是说了几个说烂的,浪费;另欧亚版图全面缺失,局限于好莱坞,过于片面。几处有趣的:用合成器vs找乱七八糟东西做音效,自己指挥vs蹲监控室,流派分明;寂寞老师对比之下烂得特别明显;moby竟然真有其人(HIMYM梗);小黄人的巴西师傅巨可爱;Danny Elfman太!酷!了!What makes a film score unforgettable? Featuring Hans Zimmer, James Cameron, Danny Elfman, John Williams, Quincy Jones, Trent Reznor, Howard Shore, Rachel Portman, Thomas Newman, Randy Newman, Leonard Maltin, and the late James Horner and Garry Marshall, SCORE: A FILM MUSIC DOCUMENTARY brings Hollywood's elite composers together to give viewers a privileged look inside the musical challenges and creative secrecy of the world's most international music genre: the film score. A film composer is a musical scientist of sorts, and the influence they have to complement a film and garner powerful reactions from global audiences can be a daunting task to take on. The documentary contains interviews with dozens of film composers who discuss their craft and the magic of film music while exploring the making of the most iconic and beloved scores in history: “James Bond”, “Star Wars,” “Indiana Jones,” “Pirates of the Caribbean,” “Titanic,” “The Social Network,” “Mad Max: Fury Road,” and “Psycho.”